Sunday, July 20, 2008

dawn's update

Since this is my last night here, Joye has decided that I was going to do the update again. Andrew had another good day. When we left his room he had been weaning for 12.5 hours. Yesterday he did a total of 12 hours. So today he said he wanted to do at least 13 hours. We will find out in the morning how long he weaned. When we got to his room this morning, he was ready to get into his chair. On the weekends there are fewer staff so Joye and I got him ready to be put in his chair. When the tech came in, she went to unplug his chair, and a short happened. After this, his chair could not do the weight shift that he has to do every 20 minutes, so he was in bed the rest of his day. He did sit up quite a bit and we all had a good visit. Since the wheelchair can't do the weight shifts, he will be in his bed tomorrow as well until his chair can be fixed, hopefully on Monday. Andrew is working on getting his muscles stronger while he weans. Since he was on the vent for about 36 hours from Wednesday to Thursday, he has to work to get the muscles back to where they were. He worked very hard today, and it was another good day. Oh, to explain the weight shift, his chair has to recline to almost a laying position every 20 minutes, for at least 2 minutes. So when the chair could not recline, he could not do the weight shift which is important so he doesn't get bed sores or skin issues. These can be extremely hazzaderous for him.
Andrew was again still joking aroung today even though he was working harder on his weaning. Tomorrow may be another difficult day due to the issues he had on Wednesday and Thursday. Monday should be somewhat easier.
I have learned a lot while I have been here. Joye really made me help out so she would have yet another body to help when they return home. I was more than happy to learn and understand why "things" had to happen a certain way. She has really had to learn basically numerous medical terms and techniques and is so knowledgeable when she was telling me what had to be done. By the end of the day, I felt a lot more comfortable doing the "things" that needed to be done.
While I have been here, Joye and I have had some really good "girl time." We have talked so much and I have really come to understand the power of God. Our talks have gone all the way from just really enjoying catching up, to some really deep conversations. It has really been a great visit!
Please continue to keep both Andrew and Joye in your prayers. My prayer request is for Andrew to continue to improve on his weaning. I pray each night that he will be able to be free from his ventilator. Please pray with me for this. Continue to lift Joye in prayer as she is Andrew's rock. You can see this in his eyes. No words needed. Not only is she the lady he chose to be his life long partner, but she is truely his best friend.
So I will end tonight to get ready for my journey home. It is going to be really hard to say "see ya all when you get home," but there is work to be done there as well. I am going to find it hard not to be able to talk to them both each day. I know that sounds strange, but I have to say it again, it has been a very good visit. A very special time. Those that have been here know what I am feeling tonight.
So to close, once again, as Joye would say, Good Night and God Bless. dawn

1 comment:

Alexa said...

Andrew and Joye,

I've been praying for you Andrew! I want you to remember that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to us from God. I have faith in God and in you I know you will make it through this hard time. If needed, I will do anything for you and Joye. I wish I could close with something humorous (laughter is the best medicine, right?) unfortunately we'll have to leave that to Billy. =O !!!

Alexa Walkinshaw