Monday, July 21, 2008

Joye's Update 7/21/08

It was a pretty good day today. Andrew's chair was finally fixed this morning so he was able to get up today; he is weaning strong again as well. His doctor is thinking his medications for his muscle spasms were maybe too high a dose and that may have caused Andrew to get so tired and spacey the other day. So, they lowered the doses on the medications that help control the muscle spasms. They can't take the medicine away as the spasms can be quite painful for Andrew, so hopefully a lower dose will still help with the spasms and won't cause him to be too relaxed. I was able to shave Andrew's head and I even "Magic Shaved" his face today. I promised James I would keep it up and I am. Andrew was much more relaxed about it today. Andrew and I resumed our study of the healing scriptures today. We studied PHILIPPIANS 2:13 For it is God who works in you, both to will and to do for His good pleasure. I believe this passage says that God is working in each of us to will as well as to do for His good pleasure. I also believe God will heal Andrew and his health is God's good pleasure. Good Night and God Bless. Joye

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