Monday, August 11, 2008

Joye's Update 8/11/08

It was a pretty good day today. Coco is continuing with her training and Andrew and I feel so blessed that she is here, willing to learn, and will be at home waiting for us when we get there. Coco will be living with us and will be there nights to help with getting Andrew back to bed and some of his night care. That has been a huge relief to me as you all know that Andrew is a big guy (still weighing about 240 lbs.) and although it can be done . . . it's very difficult for one person to transfer him from chair to bed and vice versa. I am also aware that our home is pretty much complete and ready for us. We are truly blessed to have the friends and family we do that have done so much to prepare for our homecoming. Andrew and I continue to pray for full healing and specifically for him to get use of his arms next. We believe God will grant him this miracle in His time and we are already thankful for that healing. Good Night and God Bless. Joye

1 comment:

Kathy Nall said...

Drew, So much progress is being made in your life! You are truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in your life. I'm sure you will be so happy to be back home. I can't wait to be able to visit or at least talk on the phone someday. Please know you are constantly in my thoughts. Love always, Kathy