Thursday, August 21, 2008

Joye's Update 8/21/08

Well, Andrew and I have been together for a straight 24+ hours now and we are still doing well. Not even a little marital spat to report :) It has been nice being able to spend the time together. The only trouble I personally have had with sharing a room with Andrew is that he has developed this strange (noisy) way of breathing while he sleeps. It kept me up for a while last night . . . and then suddenly it just stopped, and of course that had me worried that something was wrong. So, needless to say I was up and down all night long. But that's okay, I'm just so grateful to be in this room with him. Otherwise, Andrew has been doing well . . . although not 100%, his blood pressure has been getting better, so we're thankful for that. Please continue to pray for his arms . . . we both feel God is going to do this for him. Good Night and God Bless you all. Joye


Dawn said...

Hi Joye and Andrew,

Just a quick check in. And I have to ask, did the BGE make the move all in one piece? :-D

Prayers continue.

Until next time.

jrat said...

Big Dog and Joye, so happy to hear that things are a step closer to normal, we will keep you in our prayers, and wish only the best for you both.
Sgt. J