Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Joye's Update 8/5/08

It was a good day today. Andrew now has his trach capped and he only has to take oxygen through a nose clip now. They will do it this way for a while and eventually he will get what is called a "Jackson" trach which is much smaller and will not be able to be seen with a shirt over it. Andrew will also soon be able to breath without having oxygen through his nose as well. The only purpose of the trach will be to assist him in getting secretions from his lungs as he is still working on building a better cough. There is much hope he will eventually get the trach out too. And as usual . . . we are still praying for Andrew to gain the ability to bend his elbows. I know God is hearing this prayer and will soon bless Andrew with this miracle too. Good Night and God Bless you all. Joye


MissyU said...

Hi Joye & Andrew,
We just got back from vacation...and one of the first things I wanted to do was catch up on your status. All I can say is WOW!! It is so exciting reading about all your most recent accomplishments! Way to go!! Definitely proves the power of faith and prayer, and of course your will and determination!
I am anxiously awaiting for more information regarding the auction/benefit dinner (thank you Dawn).

Joye, don't know if you have heard yet or not but Michael Chavez is leaving tomorrow, headed to San Antonio, Texas. Means I will more than likely be moved once again. Remembering your sound advice, I am remaining positive =) (you have an amazing way of touching people that way)!

Andrew, I am so glad to hear that you are vent free, and working so hard on your recovery, continue to do so! Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family daily! You are never forgotten! =D

May tomorrow be another day of many showered blessings, love and miss you both!

Much Love,
Michele UreƱa

Dawn said...

Hi Joye and Andrew,

YEAH!!!! So much is happening in the recovery process. Tonight I am praying for the good cough to develop. I pray that the trach gets totally out! :-) Keeping my eyes on Him.

Ok, Andrew, I'm going to sleep now. :-) Goodnight.

Until next time.

Barry/Marie said...

Hi Joye and Langley, great to hear of the progress report. We are continously lifting Langley in prayer and tonight is our bible study, we make sure to lift him in prayer as well. We'll be also praying that he continues to improve, for a good cough to develop and healing in his arms. We love you guys! Nick & Marie