Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Joye's Update 8/12/08

It was a good day today. Andrew did all of his therapies and classes and had a pretty good day. Coco is continuing with her training and I think will have about 2 years worth of information given to her in this one week by the time she goes back home. It's a lot to learn, but she's taking it in stride. Please continue to pray for Andrew and most specifically, please pray for him to get use of his arms. We thank you for that. Good Nigh and God Bless. Joye


Dakota Medical Staff Family said...

Joye & Langley, I am so glad for the both of you to have so many people there to help during your transition. Friends and family are worth the world in gold. You both are truly blessed with this. I am very happy to hear of all the progress that you have made towards your recovery and I do pray daily for you to regain the movement of your arms but most importantly remain confident that in time, God will grant you the miracle of his healings overall. love & miss ya

Dawn said...

Hi Andrew and Joye,
Prayers will continue for recovery. Once again, praying for the elbow movement. Also prayers are going to Coco as I am sure she could feel overwhelmed at times. But what an awesome person she is.
Until next time.

Mikey,Sylvia and Thomas said...

Joye & Sgt,
Just wanted to thank you for the daily updates. We're sure there have been times when you would have preferred getting a little more sleep rather than composing a comment. The way we read our Bibles, Jesus should be coming soon to get us - then 1 Cor 15:52-54 is a promise of perfect healing for all of us - "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory." Signs in the world point to Jesus coming as soon - so whether Sgt is healed now or at Jesus coming, it shouldn't be long.
God Bless
Mikey & Sylvia

RavensHalo said...

Drew and Joye,
Although it has been some time since I have left a comment, may it not reflect a lack of concern, but rather how busy I have been lately. Sorry for the delay. I do think of you both throughout each day and keep current on the blog entries you make. It is so good to see how Drew continues to improve, he has come so far. In addition to praying for his overall recovery, I will pray for him to regain the use of his arms.
I know things are hectic for you both right now as you prepare for the transition of coming home, but being home is probably a very comforting thought.
I wish you only the very best and I will continue to pray for you both.
Take care,
Michele Sundwall