Friday, May 2, 2008

Joye's Update 5/2/08

We're in!!!! We leave early Tuesday morning for Colorado. They want Andrew there by 12:00 noon. Andrew was really happy today; he's really wanting to get there and get to work. We will be there for at least 4 months, and of course the prayer is that he walks out of there at that time or before. I have faith that God will heal him and give him the strength to just that. Our God is an awesome God who gave us His promise and I believe Andrew will be a testimony to it. Andrew has not wavered in his faith that God will heal him. I will continue this blog throughout Andrew's journey, so please keep posting . . . it has done wonders for Andrew's spirit. A lot of people say it's their lifeline to him, when really your posts are our lifeline to you . . . it keeps us going. Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement, we cannot thank you enough. Good Night and God bless. Joye