Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Joye's Update 10/22/08

Thank you Jesus . . . we have elbow movement. Andrew has been working very hard with his physical therapist and just today he was able to push his arms out and also bring them back in a few inches while resting on a flat surface; the video below shows him pushing his left arm out (click the arrow button and the video will appear). We are praising God for yet another miracle, and we are so thankful for this blessing. Thank you all for your prayers . . . please continue to pray for stength in this movement which will soon give Andew use of his arms, giving him the ability to feed himself, transfer himself from his chair to other surfaces (bed, living room chairs, etc.) and even to drive a vehicle some day. God is awesome and He deserves all the glory for what He is doing for Andrew. Good Night and God Bless. Joye