Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Joye's Update 5/27/08

It was a very long day today. I do have some news; however, regarding why Andrew continues to develop blood clots. Andrews hematologist has discovered that he has a blood disorder that causes his blood to clot easily and then is unable to break the clot up as normal blood can usually do. He most likely has had this disorder for his entire life. The good news is . . . this is treatable and they are now treating it. This will slow his recovery down a bit; however, with all of this going on, Andrew still weaned today. He's doing excellent with his vent weans. The worst news is he will have to remain in bed with his head below 20 degrees for the time being; therefore, he will be unable to eat until his head is able to be up above 80 degrees again. He will, of course, also be unable to get in his chair for a while too. He's not discouraged, just thankful they found the disorder and are able to treat it. Although the clots in his legs are quite serious, his doctors are encouraged that he will get beyond this "bump" in the road. Please keep praying and please keep posting and emailing . . . it helps so much. Good Night and God Bless. Joye