Monday, June 16, 2008

Joye's Update 6/16/08

Andrew had an okay day today. His muscles in his neck and jaw are quite fatigued; therefore, causing him some pain. He tends to tense up in that area when he breaths on his own. He did not wean this morning, due the pain, but he was able to wean for 5 hours tonight. Andrew's enjoying having the kids here as well as my sister and her husband being here for him to visit with. It's been nice having my brother-in-law (Billy) here because he likes to get up early and spend time with Andrew in the morning, giving me a chance to sleep in a little. Billy likes to tell the nurses that he's Andrew's brother. Billy is a 5'8" (white) man :) Thank you for all your prayers and words of encouragement. Good Night and God bless. Joye