Sunday, June 1, 2008

Joye's Update 6/1/08

Another quiet day, but my wonderful husband made today a very special day. Not that I want to advertise getting another year older, but today was my birthday and when I walked into Andrew's hospital room, I was greeted with a dozen roses and a chocolate truffle cheesecake that Andrew asked one of the nurses to get for me. He's so sweet. Other than that, I was successful at getting Andrew to stay awake during the day and when I left tonight he was out like a light. I was also told today that he is charted to get up in the chair sometime this week as the blood thinners should be working on the clots; so hopefully that will be the case . . . and then he should be able to start eating real food again. Thank you again for all your prayers and thoughtful words of encouragement. Good Night and God Bless. Joye