Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Project Walk . . . Week 8 and 9

Sorry I skipped a week in posting to the blog . . . I've been very busy and time slipped by. The good news is . . . the last couple of weeks have been very productive for Andrew.

The staff at Project Walk have been diligently working Andrew's body out 3 days per week for 2 hours each day. They continue to work both the upper and lower extremities and his arms and legs are getting stronger with every workout.

Earlier this month I posted some videos showing Andrew working out at Project Walk; one in particular showed him on a Total Gym sliding board and a trainer was using a spasm (involuntary movement) to try and elicit some voluntary movement. Well, today he actually got a little voluntary movement. Not only was he controlling this movement very nicely, but he was also able to feel the muscle working and stretching as he did this.

I have posted the video of the voluntary movement below . . . you can see that his trainer is just sitting in front of him relaxing and not even touching him as he does it. Andrew is very tired tonight and definitely feeling sore and fatigued from his workout today.

Even though time goes on and it seems like nothing is happening . . . it's days like today that we really feel God's blessings. Please join us in prayer and give thanks to God for so many blessings and miracles in Andrew's recovery. None of this would be possible without Him!

God Bless you all. Joye


Dawn said...

Hey Joye and Andrew!!

This is just so awesome to watch!! I know that there is going to be more progress coming your way! I CAN FEEL IT!!

Look forward to next weekend. (If it's still a good time). I'll save my cheer for then. :-)

Until next time.
Lots and Lots of Love,


Nora said...

I was so happy to see how far Drew has come along! What a difference from the first video posted.

I'm so happy for you two! thanks so much for posting Joye. Drew, keep up the good work! you are doing an awesome job! This is only the beginning!

Cherry Derrick said...

Wow! Andrew that is so awesome that you are able to do that.....thanks for sharing your remarkable strides with all of us.......God is definately showing his work through you for us all to see! Way to go - keep up the good work - it is only going to get better and better. Love to you both!!

jrat said...

That is such an awesome video!!! Keep up the great work, both of you!!
Sgt. J

shauna said...

wow, i am so proud of you Andrew, keep up the good work. I think of you two often and pray a lot for your continued progress. Good luck! Love you guy's,


Cherry Derrick said...

Langley - I haven't heard about your progress in awhile but I continue to pray for you and I am sure you are going great! Just wanted to share with you that I had a dream this weekend that you were walking again. IT WAS SO REAL! SO KEEP UP THE FIGHT AND THE HARD WORK!! WE ARE ALL BEHIND YOU!


Unknown said...

I worked with Drew at the prison many years ago and all I can say is that I am so happy to see that he is making so much progress. Drew has an amazing spirit and I keep him close to my thoughts and prayers. Keep fighting Langley!
Love ya,
Roxanne DeBell

Kathy V said...

Hello Andrew!

Hope you remember me - its been a long time.

Andrew my thoughts and prayers are with you – I read through your blog and I can’t believe all that you and your family have gone through! Joye you sound as though you are an angle! My ex husband and Andrew served in the military together in Yuma, and I lost touch with Andrew shortly after returning to the Seattle area… I think it’s been since about 1991 – ish. Sorry this e-mail will reach you well after the fact, but I wanted you to know Andrew that I will pray that your recovery continues with great success. My e-mail address is

Kathy Van Diest - Vilendrer

Kathy V said...

Hi Kathy V again - sorry i gave you the wrong e-mail address -

Keep on Fighting!!! My prayers are with you!
